What’s ‘intelligence’ anyway?
Wisen up
Many of us grew up believing that intelligence doesn’t extend beyond the figures on school report cards. But the Sharjah Girl Guides wanted to flip that thinking around.
And so, we conceptualized their renowned annual day around the principles of Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. The theory goes to show that ‘intelligence’ can shine outside classrooms and come in many diverse forms.

The eight ‘smarts’
Each of the intelligences were translated into an activation to appeal to the younger target audiences give them a chance to realize their true potential.
Bop to the beat - Music Smart
The activation encouraged the visitors to literally ‘play by the ear’ as they listened for the individual musical notes and mimicked the song via interactive instruments.
Work those glutes - Body Smart
Visitors flung their body in motion and tested the limits of their hand-eye coordination by aiming for the goals and scoring big.

Connecting the dots - Logic Smart
A line-up of offbeat questions that tested the visitors’ reasoning and pushed them to think outside the box.
The power of the word - Word Smart
Visitors were provided with a set of five distinct items – say, a rolling pin, sharpener, toilet brush, card machine and plant – and asked to write a story linking these objects together.
This is the only activation with a human element as (out of sight) certified teachers ‘graded’ these submissions and provided a final score.
Breathe in the sights - Nature Smart
Four natural habitats simulated the senses at this activation where the visitors were offered a space to simply observe their surroundings.
After a set of amount of time, the guests were called back out to answer questions about the habitat they had just experienced.

It’s a gut feeling - People Smart
Stolen research, vandalized art, and a missing camera. Participants put their people skills to test by interviewing the victims of three crimes to get to the bottom of the mystery.
The difficulty levels varied according to the age of the participants.
Take a look at yourself - Self-Smart
Participants were inspired to take a deeper look within and create a mood board that reflected their personalities - and thus, unknowingly rate their understanding of themselves in the process.

I spy with my little eye - Spatial Smart
Participants played the role of a warehouse employee that was tasked with visually re-arranging the objects on display.
If Object A was cut in half, would it fit inside Object B? We’ll leave the guessing to you!
High-spirited crowds
The event also sported a variety of family-friendly activities that added another layer of excitement to the fest.
From a human claw machine to LED performers, food stalls to face painting, and ball pits to brainwave racing, the event was marked with high spirited fun and cheer.