
Fast and curious

Puma stepped up to flaunt its stuff as Sole DXB - the hippest urban event of the year - made its return at uber stylish Dubai Design District.

We grounded the brand’s ‘brave’ and ‘confident’ image with an eye-grabbing activation that practically dared the visitors to break the rules.

The big red button

The sleek, enigmatic dispenser stood out among the chic variety of offerings with its big red button and a large warning that said, ‘Don’t press this.’

Naturally, the high-spirited crowds jumped at the chance (who can deny the draw of a ‘don’t push’ button?) and out popped a souvenir – a salute to their gutsy gesture.

The Puma shot

The visitors could also snap a reel of wild memories at the Puma photo booth. The reel was stamped with the brand’s unique logo and colours and could be printed as well as shared via email.

Clawing in the views

The activation was ideated to amp up the surprise factor and ignite a stir across the socials that drew in the youthful, urban crowds.